(Hover and click on the links provided)
Items to assist with TOS Driving--

LooPo - seat belt tension adjuster clips
Easy Reach Seatbelt Handle extension- glow in the dark!
Slim Swivel car seat cover- save your neck from turning so much
Car power adaptor (plug in heating pad)
Car seat head neck support
Neck Bone Cervical support pillow
Quick Release steering knobs
Memory foam Car seat neck support
Car seat neck support
Head support/car seat
TOS Physical Therapy --

TheraCane personal back/body massager
WiTouch Wireless Tens unit
Still Point Inducer - Foam neck head accupressure
BioFreeze Cold Therapy Pain Relieving Gel
Balance Ball Chair
The MELT Method Program for Chronic pain
Aculief - Accupressure therapy device
IntelliSkin Posture support
Shakti Accupresure Mat
Miscellaneous TOS Personal Care assistance items--

Hands Free waist harness/clip for walking dog
Gel Cervical Collar- microwaveable/refrigerate
The Back Buoy - back support
Neck Collar with support
Neck Aid-Neck Support - like a kickstand for your neck
Inflatable pillow - A must for traveling/flying
Bed Buddy Hot/Cold wrap
Opti-warm lightweight Winter Coats
Lightweight fabric necklace- how to make
Essential Oils - aromatherapy/pain relief
Rapid Relief Electronic Patch
Dragon Voice Recognition Software
Folding Laptop Desk
Hold Book Pages-Leather Page Weight
Slim pocket Wallet
Herbal Concepts Neck and Shoulder Wrap (heavy)
Heated Scarf/battery operated lasts up to 3 hours
Bottle Opener
7-Day Morn/Noon/Night Pill Box
Marena Molded Cup Tube Top Bra - Strapless
Nook Simple Touch with Glow Light - lightweight for reading
Phone (cards, cash) Wrist Wallet
Luggage with 360 wheels (wheel beside not drag behind!)
Personal Carry Cart with wheels
Hands-Free Headset for your phone
Fanny Pack - hands-free carrying
Wrist/Ankle Wallet
AM-PM Pill Reminder
32 inch Reacher
Zip front posture align bra-intelliskin\
Zip-front Sun shirt
Recliner Footrest Lever Extender
Medical Bracelet
Microwave/Freezer Rice Packs and Wraps
Hair Dryer Bonnet-hands free
Laptop Height Adjuster (req. external keyboard/mouse)
Dual Recliner for Sleeping during Surgery Recovery
Hands Free Book Holder
Hands Free Whopper Holder (funny)
TOS Sleeping--

Spine Align Chirobedic Mattress
Cervical Traction Neck Pillow
Cervical Neck Pillows
TOS Supplements--
Vitamin D3
Now Magnesium Caps
Nature's Way Magnesuim Complex Caps
Vitamin B12
Vitamin B6
Omega 3 minigels