He sent me first to a new pain management doctor-who gave me a list of my treatment options: 1. Do nothing. 2. Radiographic workup (tests & scans). 3. Physical management, (physical therapy, TENS, OMT-osteopathic manipulation, home exercise program). 4. Medication management-(nsaids, antidepressants, muscle relaxants, anti-convulsants, opiod, topical). 5. Epidural steroid injection. 6. Medial branch block. 7. Radio Frequency Ablation (burn the nerve endings). 8. Spinal cord stimulator, implant. 9. Surgery. A pretty depressing and scary list. I left that appointment feeling pretty deflated.
I asked for trigger point injections with lidocaine, one at base of my neck, and one where it feels like a knife it sticking in my back. The doctor informed me there is a risk of lung puncture with the deep shoulder blade injection, so I chose to just get the neck injection, which hurt a lot for two days after, then helped relieve pain for about 10 days. It's back to the usual tense, sharp pain now.

I revisited my new family doctor, and after chatting, he seemed to agree that pain mgmt doctor was not the best choice for me. I was prescribed gabapentin and referred to an ENT-ear nose throat specialist. I'll backtrack a bit here to explain why he referred me to an ENT. The most painful symptoms that led me to being dx with TOS and having rib resection were neck, jaw, ear, head, arm, upper back/shoulder blade pain. Surgery was successful in alleviating the arm pain for a while, but most of the pain has returned.
So, the ENT examined my ear, numbed my nose/throat and scoped my nose throat-took pictures even- all normal.
He thinks I feel a lump when swallowing because my muscles are very tight, spasming, and there is a hyoid bone in your throat and my muscles are too tight around it. The ENT's thinking is that my symptoms are possibly from having muscle removed when the rib was resected. He referred me to a physical therapist who has had great results with TMJD, and head/ neck injury patients.

I had terrible arm pain for about 12 hours after the assessment. The first therapy session was 24 hours ago, and during therapy all was well...lay on heat, a little work in/under shoulder blade, some massaging type work on neck and head. I was given my first 'exercise' to do at home. I am to lie flat, and slightly tilt my head up and down. The tilting movement does not start in the neck-at the base, but up higher. I'm supposed to barely tilt my head up and down a half inch, but focus on the movement being up higher than usual. (I wonder how many calories that 'exercise' burns?)

For me, when my pain level ramps up past 4-5, my brain does not function well. I'm grumpy, touchy, unable to make clear decisions because all I hear, feel, see is pain-pain-pain-pain. It's like the pain short circuits my brain. I hate that.
I am curious to see what the therapist has to say about my reaction to the first session. I have gone to many rounds of therapy, chiropractors, massage therapists. And I've made myself stick with each one for weeks and months, pumping machines, using thera bands, stretching, enduring myofacial stretching (painful!) hoping for positive results. Mostly, that all just caused me a lot of unnecessary pain.
That said, I have hope that this p.t. knows TOS and the accompanying muscular issues, and may be able to help me.
Now, I just have to get past the mental hurdle of the fear of increased pain (from my past experiences with all the p.t.) so the current therapy stands a chance at being effective.

My heart goes out to each of you as we live this TOS journey together.
Gentle hugs to each of you~