I over did it.
There was so much to do, much that I do not normally attempt.
Lifting, carrying, bending, reaching, playing.
I just couldn't resist. It was all such fun!
Until that darn pokey, pinchey, pulling, needley, burning, jabbing, searing pain from my ear and neck down through my traps and into my arm. It got really bad.
A doggone flare up.
Just when I needed to be able to make the most of what little time I get with my precious little guys who are growing up so far away, that dreaded irritation and pain surged intolerably.
I had to employ every trick and tool I've learned to fend off a plunging depression.
I admit, the pain pushed me to an emotional edge. I vented a bit, with tears.
Pain has a way of purging the truth out of you like nothing else can.
I was sad, knowing I needed to take it down a notch and slow down, even though I didn't want to.
But I also knew I would be no good at all for anyone if I didn't take care of myself and pay attention to what my body was telling me.

I had to make myself rest.
I proposed my problem to the facebook TOS group. The responses were wonderfully warm, supportive and helpful. Exactly what I needed, a word from people who understand because they've been there.
"Get down on the floor. Let the kids crawl in your lap, no lifting, do the best you can and let the rest go."
That was wise advise indeed for this TOSer. I tried to heed the advice, though it was really hard for this new grandma to always comply.