For the coffee quitting progress, day nine, I had one cup of half caff in the morning, some green tea during the day, and more water. Day 10, just green tea in the morning, a cup of black tea in the afternoon-but no coffee. Day eleven is the same, green tea only so far, and more water. Feeling tired, but I believe that will pass and I hope to be more clear, less headachey, and feel better overall. I'm trying out these organic green teas I found at my local health food store, also Stinging Nettle Tea, which I've read improves inflammation. So far, they all taste like grass water to me. I also drink Lipton citrus green tea, but hope to find a better choice that is organic, less chance of pesticides.
I've pretty much de-junked the cupboards of foods not on my tos diet, so when I get to feeling the itch to snack, I open the cupboard door and there are the nuts, almond butter, exekiel bread, unsweetened applesauce cups, dates, triscuits, almond milk and unsweetened whole grain cereals, raisins, natural dried fruit. Bananas and oranges on the counter.

When I open the fridge, I see apples-malic acid in apples is supposed to reduce inflammation. Also I see almond milk-I blend it fresh in my blender, but you can find it packaged with minimal additives and sugar.
Lots of veggies in there too. I found a mini-food processor at the thrift store and it has been just great to use that to chop stuff, saves my aching arms for sure!
I've continued the smoothies, but backed off from one quart to half that, or more if I want. The bloating is much improved. Pictured here is My TOS Army Green Smoothie: red grapes, spinach, flax, avocado, apple, pineapple juice.

Two nights ago supper was bakes chicken thighs, sweet potaotes and green beans-frozen. Last night supper was chopped salad, my own dressing made with olive oil, balsamic vinegar, raw honey, salt, pepper. Also salmon patties made with 4 eggs, 2 cans salmon, chopped onion and celery, fried in olive oil, salt n pepper. Delish.

I also made a totally anti-inflammation legal fruit crisp. Ingredients: Mixed fruit/3 chopped apples, 1 can slices peaches(in real juice, drained), 1 cup mixed frozen berries-in a 8x8 baking pan. Topping: 3/4 c. gluten free organic oats ground into flour, 1 c unsweetened coconut shreds, 1 c chopped nuts-walnuts, pecans, 1/2 stick real butter. Drizzle fruit with raw honey or sprinkle coconut sugar, mix topping ingredients together, sprinkle topping over fruit, bake uncovered 350 30-45 min. Yum!

Breakfast has been tea, Ezekiel bread toast, or Ezekiel sprouted grain cereal, or whole wheat squares cereal with raw honey and unsweetened almond milk. That, or eggs and toast, usually a banana too.

I'm including a picture of the chocolate I indulge in every night. Two squares, ok, sometimes four, but it has to be at least 70% dark chocolate for it to be considered anti-inflammitory, according to
The Diet for a Pain Free Life book.
Which is fine by me because dark chocolate is awesome.
Today's smoothie is My TOS pineapple enzyme anti-inflam shake: Fresh or frozen pineapple-not canned. Almond milk, raw honey, ground flax, apple, banana, orange. For those of you who do not have a high powered blender, I started making smoothies with an inexpensive 'Bullet' blender years ago, so it can be done. Investing in a good blender has been a smart choice though and I highly recommend it. Thats the tos diet update. Gentle hugs~