* An MRI, to see what's going on since rib resection back in 2008, since my daughters rib entirely regrew and I continue to have nerve/muscle issues.
*Flouroscopy guided injection into spine, C4, to see if that helps
*Try acupuncture
*Work on core strength and stability at the gym, continue with physical therapy for upper body at home
*Meet more of my fellow TOSers, hopefully for a 5K walk/run
*Continue to tweak the TOS diet, more green smoothies, fish, etc...
*Essential oils-research, try.
*Try Biofeedback
*Figure out better, ergonomic seating options, especially for time on computer
*Keep diggin' into this TOS thing, learn more, understand
*Kick TOS in the butt
*Share my journey and encourage my fellow TOSers that even though the pain can be horrible, life can still be good.
*Live well!!