I now have right side frozen shoulder.
My first rib was resected on the right side several years ago.
I've been mostly TOS symptom free for a few years.
About six months ago I started getting soreness at the ball end of my shoulder.
I've pushed through and still done my normal chores, lifting, etc.
Now I can not hook my bra in back, nerve pain like my shoulders out of joint hits me if I push it too far.
I'm glad it does not hurt all the time, only when I move certain ways.
Sleeping is tricky since I'm a side sleeper...which may have aggravated the shoulder to begin with.
I'm sure I have scar tissue up in there from my rib being removed through my armpit.
Very discouraging.
I'm doing physical therapy.
The pain goes up my neck into my jaw sometimes.
I suspect the TOS rib resection and my now frozen shoulder are connected.
I'll keep you updated.