Thursday, January 24, 2019

Living well, even with TOS

I have neglected to update my blog because, honestly, I have not had TOS symptoms to manage in quite a while. TOS has not been on my mind.
I do continue to juggle some things to avoid causing flareup of neck and arm pain.
I will always sit in the center of the room, never look to my left for more than a glance, still sleep on a pancake pillow. 
I still take lots of magnesium daily, still use a few adaptive aids like the Loopo seatbelt clip, or a neck pillow for my car seat. 
But otherwise, life has been good. No big TOS complaints. 
I still have just one side resected.  The other side has not been symptomatic. 
I rarely get aching nerve pain on my resected side, usually from bad posture. 
The pain dosn't last long.
I still really prefer very gentle hugs.
I miss the facebook TOS support groups since I left fb. But I am very glad to be off fb.
I will continue to leave this page up so people can glean what they can from my experience and my kids TOS experience. 
In the future, if  I have more TOS experiences, I will share them here.

I hope you all are continuing to live well...even with TOS.