I have used The Green Smoothies Diet for a couple years, love it.
I just finished reading The Diet for a Pain Free Life yesterday afternoon. Overall, good information. I don't agree with a couple things, like using sugar substitutes-I believe fake chemicals have to be irritating and inflammation causing, so I will be using raw honey instead.
I believe in the healing properties of raw honey. My husband had a bad burn and I applied raw honey because I read an article in Mother Earth News that honey heals burns--and the next day the burn was gone!
As I mentioned, I will be gleaning from these books, not necessarily following every word. I'm also trying a few tips I've gleaned off Pinterest for my anti pain & inflammation diet.
I'm throwing it all together to make My TOS Diet.

I made a blender full of smoothie with pain-reducing fruits: blueberries, ground flax seed, spinach, raw honey, apple, orange, strawberries. It made 4 pints, I've had one per day, gearing up for my one quart per day smoothie...or one large salad. Gotta get those anti-inflammatory greens in! I prefer smoothies because all the chopping for salads can be flare-inducing.
Next thing was to go grocery shopping. Not a small task in the crummy Midwest snowy weather we're having here. But my husband drove, and pushed the cart, and I pushed on the back of my head...seriously.
I was having a nerve pain flare, up my neck into back of my head. So I walked around the store pushing on the back of my head feeling really odd.
We loaded up on anti-inflammatory foods: nuts, fresh, frozen, non-sugar/salt canned fruits and veggies, fish, dark chocolate, ginger. We walked right by the aisle with the chips, pop, cookies.
We're going to use Ezekiel bread- sprouted whole grain super healthy (& expensive! I need to learn to make it). And yes, I said we. The hubs decided he wants to do this with me to see if he can loose a few pounds.

I guess they're supposed to soak for a week or two before you eat the recommended 8-10 raisins per day.
Tomorrow's the big first day. We just had cheeseburgers for lunch, a last hurrah.
I pointed out we can still have burgers on the anti-inflammation diet, salmon or turkey, on whole wheat.
Which reminds me, The Diet for a Pain Free Life cuts out beef and pork because it purports those meats cause inflammatory response, so we will be cutting that out. However, we will be eating all-natural, lean, local venison. A tweak in the diet that may not work for everyone.
One final thing today- I'm an average size lady, I was up twenty pounds a year ago and could stand to loose another 10-15, but I have zero aspirations of 'skinny' or single digit clothing sizes. Zero. This is not a weight-loss diet for me. Being healthy and free of pain is my only goal, and if I happen to loose a couple pounds, then ok, but if I don't loose weight yet feel less pain-well then hallelujah! (I will say, not carrying the 20 lbs I lost last year has been helpful.)
So I will try to report every other day on how things are going.
Interesting time to be starting this diet, being in the middle of another unexpected nerve pain flareup.
I love to eat cookies or chocolate to self-soothe when I'm really hurting.
I will have to eat grapes and walnuts instead. Drink more water.
I sure hope this diet helps.